Pulapromet modernizes the ticketing system

Published: 07.1.2020.

Pulapromet modernizes the ticketing system

Pulapromet is the first public carrier in Croatia to introduce a ticketing system with the use of smart cards in 2003., so it is no surprise that Pulapromet continues to trend in the use of smart solutions and in 2018. begins a project to modernize its existing ticketing system.

According to the public procurement procedure, the best rated PENTA`s offer was selected and the offered system includes the production, programming, sale and validation of tickets, monitoring of bus tickets usage, central collection data from bus terminal equipment or bicycles stations, report creating  and statistics on the number of passengers, fleet management and monitoring of the timetable implementation, video surveillance and real-time monitoring of buses and bicycles and informing passengers of the vehicles arrival at stops.

One of the benefits that system provides is transition from the relational to the zonal system, which enables passengers to move within a certain zone, which means that with the same price of a monthly ticket, passenger can travel to the area of other local self-government units which are within the same zone, but outside the place of passenger`s residence.

Another novelty is that the ticket could be paid by mobile phone by sending a text message, and the possibility of purchasing a ticket with a barcode at the kiosk will be introduced, and this ticket will be also validated at the bus.

It is important to point out that this modernization does not interfere the user, simultaneously is introducing technologically new system, new equipment, but  also supports the work of the existing system.